Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are a great option for employees with electric cars. Given technological advancement, more people are buying electric cars than ever. EV charging stations can benefit your company in many ways, but what is an EV charging station, and how do they work? Let’s dive into it below.
A Short History
An electric car is a vehicle that doesn’t require gas to function. It’s a wonderful alternative for environmentalists or people looking to lessen their carbon footprint. With global warming and greenhouse gas emissions on the rise, it’s no wonder people are looking for a more sustainable option. However, did you know that electric cars are over 100 years old? That might be surprising since most of us couldn’t conceive of the electric car invented in the 1900s. But there were inventors in the Netherlands, US, and Hungary who did just that.
Robert Anderson was one such inventor who developed the first innovative electric carriage during this time. English and French inventors built some of the first electric cars that we’re familiar with today. William Morrison, a chemist from Iowa in the 1890s, created the first six-passenger vehicle that could run at a top speed of 16 miles an hour. Not bad for the 1800s!
How Does It Work?
Now that we’ve dived into history, we should note that the base makeup of electric vehicles hasn’t changed much over the years. A rechargeable rack of fuel cells provides power to spin the wheels of a car and propel it forward. Most EVs would charge using the same outlets that lights and appliances used during the turn of the century.
EV charging stations work similarly. The plug from your charging port goes into the electrical outlet of the charging station. You’re typically given three levels of chargers that gradually increase output from Level 1, which provides the least charge, to Level 3, which provides over 30 miles of range. You’ll find Level 3 chargers at most commercial businesses.
Modern Advancements
After the first introduction of electric vehicle technologies in the 1800s, we’ve made many strides. There are 18 million EVs with over 350 models that’ll be on the road by 2030. In addition, many EV charging stations have technology that can make the cars drive for 30+ miles without a charge.
This method of charging your cars can only advance as our technological prowess increases. There’s much to take in about what EV charging stations are and how they work, and more advances in EV technology are only a few years away. We hope you take full advantage of them for your business.