Making the switch to working from home can be difficult for some employees. Therefore, you might need to employ some new strategies to make efficient use of your time while working from home. Here are some tips to help you stay productive while working from home.
Create a Designated Workspace
When working from home, it may be tempting to work somewhere comfortable, like on your bed or the couch, but these places can make not-so-productive workspaces. Because we associate these areas with resting and relaxation, working in these spots can lead to less productivity during the workday. Instead, try to designate a separate study or dining room as your office space. Ideally, the best at-home workspace has a door to shut out noise and distractions, especially if you have pets or family at home.
Eliminate Distractions
Also, do what you can to eliminate most of the distractions that come with working from home. Close your door or use soundproof headphones to keep dialogue, pets, and other disturbances out of your brain while you’re working. If you don’t use your personal phone for work, leave it in another room to minimize the temptation to scroll during work hours. If you use your phone for work, check your phone settings to see if you can silence personal notifications during work hours.
Set Up a Dual Monitor
Whether you work on a company laptop or PC, a dual monitor can help increase your productivity by keeping your desktop organized and giving you more room to work. Your company may be able to send you a designated monitor, but if not, there are plenty of affordable options to choose from. You can even use your home TV as an extra computer monitor. Using your television as a dual monitor will also help squash the temptation to binge your favorite shows during the workday.
Stay Organized and Scheduled
Finally, one of the best things to do to stay productive while working from home is to stay on top of organization and scheduling. Try to carve out time during your day to check emails, make calls, and complete other tasks. Creating and sticking to a schedule will help you stay on task even on your most unproductive days. Keeping your space clean and organized will also help you quickly find the materials you need.
Everyone will find different strategies that help them work most efficiently from home. Try these tips to help you stay productive while working from home if you’re looking for a good starting point.